Obama, Feinstein, Piers Morgan, Mass Shootings, Gun Control and Liberty–What Difference Does it Make??

Big title eh?

We, on the right, tend to look at things, or issues, in a logical and HISTORICAL manner. The left, however, feeds off of crisis’ and emotion.

Recently, we’ve seen the left launch themselves on the gun control bandwagon, led by Diane “Dirty CCW” Feinstein, Barack “Skeet Shootin’ Obama and Piers “Carnage” Morgan. They’ve taken the issue of guns, once settled by GWB43 when he allowed the Assault Weapons Ban to expire, and rekindled the mantra “take guns off the street.”

Sandy Hook Elementary and the massacre of 20 innocent 10 year olds gave them the gusto to choose to fight this fight now. Just a month (after Obama was handed (yes, HANDED) his second term, a mad retard of a man burst into the school and killed a total of 26 victims. His first, ofcourse, was his Mother, from whom he had stolen the weapons used later at the school. She had looked into committing him to an institution and he was upset at the prospect.

If it wasn’t SHES it would have been somewhere else. When Gabby Giffords shooting and the Aurora theater shooting did not garner the public outcry needed to circumvent the Constitution, the media made darn sure that a shooting at an elementary school would.

Dianne Feinstein, a long time anti-gun advocate (who curiously enough saw fit to gain her CCW), sponsored legislation on 23 Jan 2013, a mere 3 days after Obama’s re-inauguration. The legislation bans all types of ‘black rifles’ and their pistol cousins (those that are based on the black rifle and AK platform). It does not ban kitchen knives that currently are under a possible ban in the UK (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4581871.stm).

President Obama, who’se made a career out of not allowing a crisis to go wasted, went onto the campaign trail again to push through his new vision for a gunfree and mass killer free America. He’s feigned sorrow, even shedding tears for the victims in SHES, but he’s vigorously chomped on the basic American Right of the 2nd Amendment. He often takes people to Camp David to skeet shoot, but ignores that the 2nd has zero to do with hunting or shooting sports.

As far as the media is concerned, Bob Costas and Piers Morgan are easily two of the most infantile and egregiously repulsive anti-gun commentators. Costas took to the air on Sunday Night Football during halftime to regale the nation with his vision of events. He absorbed a huge backlash and went on FoxNews to plead his case. (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/12/06/bob-costas-cant-shoot-straight-when-it-comes-to-guns/)

Morgan however, continues to plod along, getting the dregs of society to watch his show while he focuses endlessly on the question, “Why do Americans need an AR15?” Despite the continual answers given to him by his guests (including a Dana Loesch @dloesch), Morgan refuses to move on from the argument with any type of understanding of the issue. He just doesn’t get it.

Perhaps he’s forgot William Wallace and the resulting rising that gained momentum, as men ‘oppressed by the burden of servitude under the intolerable rule of English domination’ joined him ‘like a swarm of bees’. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/scottishhistory/independence/features_independence_wallace.shtml)

The fact remains that despite how we perceive our current place in history’s ‘civility’, there have ALWAYS been conflict between people of power and the serfs or the citizens of the day.

The 2nd Amendment is based on HISTORICAL needs and lessons learned from blood lost and lives sacrificed to garner a person’s liberty and rights that were given to him by simply being born.

A couple of things are bothering me about the way Conservatives are fighting this fight. It seems our pat answer to the Libs ‘point’ of 11000 gun deaths a yr is to point out that the vast majority of those victims were killed with handguns. This is a self-defeating point that we’d be wise not to continue to make. We need to make the point that the right to bear arms is an ANCESTREAL and historical right that prevents tyrannical despots from usurping the liberty from the governed. It protects the hierarchy of our government where the citizens are the ultimate owners of the country and elected officials work on our behest.

Why We’re Screwed—revisited

A couple of years ago I wrote this about why I thought we had seen our best days. It was even before the Tea Party rise. I admit this is perhaps the most negative post I have ever written, but it contains far more truth than hyperbole.
It still contains alot of hurtful insight into where we stand as Americans. Today’s plight of the Republic’s citizens is harrowing indeed. But there is always hope. God Bless the USA.

Why We’re Screwed
This is the perfect “forum” for what I’m about to write about. We see the complaints, the attacks, the invasions, the limits all over this forum. But not in one space, or in one post.

I got to thinking this morning after watching the “Sharia in America” video.
I mean I knew it for the past couple of years really. But it just coalesced into a clear stream of thought, a sudden clarity, if you will, of insight into what is definitely uncomfortable to talk about.
Our doom.
Oh, yeah…you know it as well as I, we’re toast.
On so many levels, now, in the near term and definitely in the long term, Christian, Constitutional, Freedom loving Americans are the newest form of dinosaur.
Now before you get all pompous and indignant with me, hear me out. And keep that reticule off my head.
Let me list, comprehensively as I can, the array of attacks we “normal” Americans are up against….

Invaders from the South
Industries that either ship jobs overseas or employ the invaders from the South specifically to cut costs.
Wall Street tycoons ramping up numbers and poor lending habits and ignoring established good banking habits.
A government that has ignored input from constituents.
A government where calls and demands can be ignored even at a 80-20 ratio against the legislation.
A government so involved with itself that it can’t go without a midnight pay raise even during a depression.
A government that can’t say “NO” to increased spending.
A government that CAN say “NO” to a fair tax.
A government that has passed numerous bills without reading said legislation.
A government that politicizes and destroys good honest folk that might actually help the country.
A government so broke that the PRESIDENT makes a joke out of it during an ALLSTAR baseball game.
And a state so broke that its issuing IOU’s and people TAKE them???
A government that is dedicated to the very destruction of the tools of its existence.
A government in love with power that it has introduced at least 2 bills capping Free Speech rights.
Jesus has been pulled out of the schools and the debasement of society has gained full steam since, either directly or indirectly a part of the overall scheme.
The acceptance and tolerance of a religion that is based in death and destruction.
A police force that looks to arrest people instead of protecting the innocent.
A police force used as a revenue maker instead of a public safety service.
A police force dedicated to pummeling the perps that takes them on a 2 hour car chase, yet can’t get to a breakin in a timely manner.
A police force with such a one track mind that it always presumes the guilt of a close relative despite the evidence to the contrary.
A police force that is bent on taking guns, even from law-abiding citizens.
A media that is vested in the success of the destruction of the only country that guarantees its freedom.
A media so untrustworthy that people in a poll thought Congress was as trustworthy and that GWBush was almost twice as trustworthy as either.
A media so perverse that it celebrates the vanity of ‘bling” and the decay of what is good.
A media so determined to have its president that it consciously and unapologetically “gets a rush up its leg” and tangibly alters an election by slant of coverage.
A school system that demands tolerance, but demands God stay out of the classroom.
A school system that has a powerful Union so engrossed in a liberal agenda that it promotes inclusion of unhealthy lifestyles into the classroom.
A school system that promotes literacy, yet finds that its textbooks are rife with factual and typographical errors, not to mention what it downright skips or alters.
A school system with employees that routinely are as debased and as unethical as any other known industry, but it happens to be dealing with the NEXT generation and should be held to a much higher standard of conduct than the iron worker or landscaper or plumber or lawyer.
A populace that is so apathetic that it is considered a massive turnout when 55% of registered voters turnout to vote.
A populace so selfish that they consider standing in line an hour to vote an inconvenience and a “hardship”.
A populace that voted for an anti-gun president and then goes out by the millions to buy guns.
A populace so ignorant of the daily news that they think comedians are a way to get real information about current events.
A populace so wrapped up in themselves that they have no idea what Freedoms they have already lost.
A populace so ignorant that they can’t answer common governmental questions.
A populace with minds so dumbed down that they think Communism might be preferable to Capitalism.
A populace so in love with fairness that it can’t see that “more fairness” would actually hurt the working poor.
A populace so ignorant that it elects politicians on looks and not ideals.
A populace who love this country so much that they are too busy rolling in the dough, hunting, taking in a movie, going to puttputt, drinking a beer or 10, smoking weed, watching NSFW vids, to take time out to educate themselves about the very country and original documents that allowed them to live in such a manner.

Yeah, we’re fragged.

My Letter to Richard Burr About Gun Control

Dear Hon. Senator Burr,
   I have supported you since your first run for office. I believe in every step you have made since becoming a Congressman. You are well grounded and articulate. I believe you exude the qualities that exemplify the best that the State of North Carolina offers.
   It is in that light that I ask you, no… beg you to withstand the surge of anti-gun sentiment that is echoing through the chambers of the Congress.
   The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting. It is not about muskets. It is not about recreational shooting. It is about protecting every other right God has bestowed upon us.
  These semi-autos that are being vilified are not the problem.
   I will close this letter with again the deepest sense of gratitude for you service and your continued dedication to the people of the State of North Carolina, Her State Constitution, and the People of the Republic of the United States and Their Constitution, the most perfect human experiment He has ever created.

Five Years Held Hostage Hostage…. Bob Levinson

 5 years. Over 2000 days. 33 years in service to his country and the FBI. Yet he is still held hostage.

I feel for his family, for his associates, for his country.


I saw the interview by Larry King of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad back in 2010 and ‘jad clearly states Levinson broke a law. He referred to lawbreaking atleast 3 times. King went to break and came back without asking the one question he should have….

“What law did he break?”

Also during the ‘interview’, the female translator skips or has difficulty with a segment of Ahmadinejad’s answer. I suggest people look at that interview and watch and listen to how smoothly she translates what he says…up until that point.

go to 4:00 and listen as she stumbles… She doesn’t break like that for a long time when compared to the rest of the interview. He said something she tried to rephrase.

But whatever the case may be… Levinson has been held too long. And the longer he’s held, the more it looks like he was there doing something that the gov’t can’t acknowledge.

Ofcourse, that could be the ploy from Iran to begin with. Here they have a actual gov’t agent… not just a skier or a hiker…. but a real live agent of the US gov’t. Iran is all about propaganda victories. If they could have gotten a confession or something from Levinson, they would have… all they have is some photos of him holding signs. Hardly a ‘confession’.

Whether Levinson was on a mission (“disappeared while working”)… unlikely given his diabetes, hypertension, etc (if true), is irrelevant now. What is relevant is making his family whole again.

2 or 3 yrs ago his captors sent a video of him as ‘proof of life’. In it he stated he was almost out of meds and expressed emotional anguish that 33 years of service should mean something.

This is a black spot on the administration and our gov’t. He is one of our own. I can only recall what transpired back in 1980 after only 444 days…and what should happen now.

Pressure our gov’t to have Bob returned home. If he commited a crime demand Iran state the offense. Is he being held like the ‘enemy combatants’ in Guantanamo? Then declare him an enemy combatant.

God Bless you Levinson family. You deserve better. Much better

My Conversation with an Anti-gunner

Max Jones
2 votes by Brian Browne Walker and Tupper Cole
My perfectly reasonable post in favor of gun control was buried because the gun brigade doesn’t actually tolerate objections. If your argument can’t be countered with the some inane reference to the 2nd amendment… they will bury you.

Todd Reece 1 vote by Max Jones
Max, it’s amazing how foolish people are today. Do you think this generation is the first ever? When people are banned and disarmed Tyranny follows. Its the NATURAL course of events.

I am surprised you think the ‘gun brigade’ buries your post. Perhaps you need to rethink your stance if you are being outweighed by a significant number. Reflect on common sense and not utopia.

Share • 5h ago

Max Jones
Max Jones
I don’t know what generation you think I belong to. But look around the world. There is not tyranny by the government where there is gun control. Its not a natural end to gun control. Its just not.

But what I will say is that the history of no gun control in our country has lead to the highest rate of gun violence in 1st world and much of the 3rd world. In fact the only tyranny going on is the tyranny of the gun lobby and gun owners.

I know that a full 70% of Americans support gun control.

UpvoteDownvote • Share • 4h ago

Todd Reece
Todd Reece
Wow? Really, 70%? The same 70% that have been dumbed down and been educated in ever so great public school system that we are so proud of?
“There is not tyranny where there is gun control???”
I wonder if the Libyans or now the Syrian rebels would beg to differ with you about their so gracious and benevolent dictators Assad and Gaddify…
Tyranny takes many forms friend…
Webster dict. (also a great patriot)
Definition of TYRANNY
: oppressive power ; especially : oppressive power exerted by government

Taxes fits into this….

a : a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler; especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state

b : the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant

One class, one party rule…communism

: a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force

Hmmmm outlawing and banning items…

: an oppressive, harsh, or unjust act : a tyrannical act

Taking my beanie babies away..

And ‘history of no gun control’

holy moses.

There are ‘gun free zones’ EVERYWHERE.. DC, Chicago, NYC…There have been gun control laws in this country… and they’ve failed every time.

And where is gun crime most prevalent?

“Tyranny of the gunowners and lobby…”

Wow…. read the definition again.

Share • 3h ago

Max Jones
Max Jones
I know exactly what tyranny means. But we can pick one of yours.

: a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force

We live with threats of violence from gun owners who claim the constitution guarantees them the right to attempt to over throw the U.S. government. Very few of them belong to well regulated militias.

My world and my kids world is more dangerous because you have this strange belief that more ability to commit violence creates less violence.

You pick the percentage. Its well over 50% in any of them.

Look. I know guns. I know them well. You aren’t a better American than I am because you believe in more guns. Here is what I can guarantee you. If all guns were gone we’d have less violent society. That is not in question. You can’t shoot at me and I won’t be shot.

Your statistics are skewed or just wrong.

I don’t think we have anything in common unless you are a weapons expert. You don’t sound like one.

UpvoteDownvote • Share • 2h ago

Todd Reece
Todd Reece
“My world and my kids world is more dangerous because you have this strange belief that more ability to commit violence creates less violence.”

My ability to PROTECT myself makes my kids safer.

” Look. I know guns. I know them well. You aren’t a better American than I am because you believe in more guns. Here is what I can guarantee you. If all guns were gone we’d have less violent society. That is not in question. You can’t shoot at me and I won’t be shot.”

Good for you. But we aren’t talking about Utopia are we? No…We’re talking reality.

“I don’t think we have anything in common unless you are a weapons expert. You don’t sound like one.”
Guess your wrong again… least your consistent.

Share • 1h ago

Max Jones
Max Jones
*shakes head* this is all going to lead to no good. The police are going to come get your guns someday and it will be your fault.


UpvoteDownvote • Share • 1h ago

Todd Reece
Todd Reece
It IS coming to no good Max. Where do you draw the line with Freedom? What is good enough for you to give up on… can you ask me to suffer that?

All you have to do is see what’s happened at the airports. They hardly have well trained staff with the TSA and they commit personal offenses in the name of safety on 3 yo and grandmothers…
Tactically I KNOW that makes some sense. No matter what you believe friend, I am far more experienced than you care to acknowledge..
Back to the point… The TSA bungled up this airport screening based on 19 hijackers causing 3000 deaths.
They were given a mandate and they implemented it.Granny and lil’ sis are subjected to invasive searches… the only ones exempt are the power brokers in DC, etc.

Funny about that. Imagine… them passing laws or regs they don’t have to follow…

My fault my ass.

Share • 1h ago

Max Jones
Max Jones
Dude… Twin Towers were attacked 9-11-2001

TSA formed… 11-19-2001

That is the calibre of all the information you spew.

If you haven’t seen this… when we read what you guys write… it sounds like Alex Jones. I’m serious.

The biggest threat to PM is AJ. That is how it feels when we try to talk about this. Our biggest threat is you. You are willing to act on completely bogus information.

UpvoteDownvote • Share • 46m ago

Todd Reece
Todd Reece
So lump me in with ol’ AJ eh? That was pretty scary to see. I believe he has his opinions, I can’t judge him other than to say he was emotional, and that did not serve him well in that forum.

I am trying to reason with you from a point of sense.. .when 9/11 happened is irrelevant. The facts are the freedoms that WERE present before 9-11-01 are gone.

I used to walk my wife all the way through the terminal and walk her to the gate.
I used to take pictures of planes on approach.The airport we’re close to had a road that passed right by the approach. Used to watch them forever…It was such a popular little turn off the county graded and graveled the turn off. I used to take pictures of buildings and architecture…
I used to run through the mall when I was young dodging and spinning in amongst the crowd…(that actually helped in my football career)
There used to be tobacco smokers every where.. Now the gov’t is wondering where all the tobacco tax money going to come from??
Now that there are more Hybrids people aren’t paying gas tax…. so we gotta tax the hybrids more…
And I’m not EVEN going to say much about the temporary income tax passed to pay for WW1…
Once Gov’t starts its intrusion, it continues until the people say enough. And then they just wait til the anger subsides to continue the march towards ‘utopia.’

Max, I don’t know how to convey my feelings about this issue and the path the country is on. I mean I want you to believe that I am serious, caring, scared, and determined. I am profoundly in love with my country and her liberty. That liberty demands my understanding of the opposition and their tenets.

But it is a reciprocal responsibility. It HAS to be reciprocal. As you said my ‘more guns’ doesn’t make me more American.

Be well.

Share • 10m ago

Into the New Year…. 2013 A Year of Challenge

There are so many issues that are encroaching onto this nation as we head into 2013.

Hurricane Sandy, Fiscal Cliff, Sandy Hook, all brought to fore a realization of various weaknesses that are plaguing the USA. 

I, personally, am still unemployed, going on 3 months now,so I have a few issues to deal with as well.

But I am only an individual. The nation is in peril, as the biggest conflagration is not the economy or entitlements, but “Gun Control”. Sandy Hook Elementary saw 20 innocent 10yr old kids slaughtered, along with 6 adults and the killer. 27 souls were sent to the afterlife by the insanely idiotic murderer. 

Some people think that the best answer is to attack the weapon that is the scourge of incidents such as this. Some people think there are 3.75 MILLION assault weapons here in the US. These same people articulate the position that the it would be smart for the country to “buy back” these evil black guns (hell we can charge the makers as racist thus these crimes are hate crimes and…..). What they DON’T ‘articulate’ is that besides the BILLIONS it would cost to execute the policy, the sheer ANGER from the passage of a law of this type would cause untold anarchy in the streets and in DC proper.

 Liberals have this mental ability to IGNORE the consequences of their proposed actions. The examples would fill up this blog for months.

  In every example, unintended consequences run amok and the result is more and more cash to improve the condition. Instead of thinking the policy through, they see the emotional solution and discount logic.


Banning guns has never worked in any society it has been tried. Australia, the UK, others have seen their gun crime rise… Which is hard to consider since each is an ISLAND nation.  The OTHER possible eventuality are the nations where it worked TOO well and in most instances fatal to it’s citizens. Germany, USSR, Cuba, China, etc. each proved that confiscated weapons and disarmed citizens were paths to totalitarian rule and mass graves.


