Why We’re Screwed—revisited

A couple of years ago I wrote this about why I thought we had seen our best days. It was even before the Tea Party rise. I admit this is perhaps the most negative post I have ever written, but it contains far more truth than hyperbole.
It still contains alot of hurtful insight into where we stand as Americans. Today’s plight of the Republic’s citizens is harrowing indeed. But there is always hope. God Bless the USA.

Why We’re Screwed
This is the perfect “forum” for what I’m about to write about. We see the complaints, the attacks, the invasions, the limits all over this forum. But not in one space, or in one post.

I got to thinking this morning after watching the “Sharia in America” video.
I mean I knew it for the past couple of years really. But it just coalesced into a clear stream of thought, a sudden clarity, if you will, of insight into what is definitely uncomfortable to talk about.
Our doom.
Oh, yeah…you know it as well as I, we’re toast.
On so many levels, now, in the near term and definitely in the long term, Christian, Constitutional, Freedom loving Americans are the newest form of dinosaur.
Now before you get all pompous and indignant with me, hear me out. And keep that reticule off my head.
Let me list, comprehensively as I can, the array of attacks we “normal” Americans are up against….

Invaders from the South
Industries that either ship jobs overseas or employ the invaders from the South specifically to cut costs.
Wall Street tycoons ramping up numbers and poor lending habits and ignoring established good banking habits.
A government that has ignored input from constituents.
A government where calls and demands can be ignored even at a 80-20 ratio against the legislation.
A government so involved with itself that it can’t go without a midnight pay raise even during a depression.
A government that can’t say “NO” to increased spending.
A government that CAN say “NO” to a fair tax.
A government that has passed numerous bills without reading said legislation.
A government that politicizes and destroys good honest folk that might actually help the country.
A government so broke that the PRESIDENT makes a joke out of it during an ALLSTAR baseball game.
And a state so broke that its issuing IOU’s and people TAKE them???
A government that is dedicated to the very destruction of the tools of its existence.
A government in love with power that it has introduced at least 2 bills capping Free Speech rights.
Jesus has been pulled out of the schools and the debasement of society has gained full steam since, either directly or indirectly a part of the overall scheme.
The acceptance and tolerance of a religion that is based in death and destruction.
A police force that looks to arrest people instead of protecting the innocent.
A police force used as a revenue maker instead of a public safety service.
A police force dedicated to pummeling the perps that takes them on a 2 hour car chase, yet can’t get to a breakin in a timely manner.
A police force with such a one track mind that it always presumes the guilt of a close relative despite the evidence to the contrary.
A police force that is bent on taking guns, even from law-abiding citizens.
A media that is vested in the success of the destruction of the only country that guarantees its freedom.
A media so untrustworthy that people in a poll thought Congress was as trustworthy and that GWBush was almost twice as trustworthy as either.
A media so perverse that it celebrates the vanity of ‘bling” and the decay of what is good.
A media so determined to have its president that it consciously and unapologetically “gets a rush up its leg” and tangibly alters an election by slant of coverage.
A school system that demands tolerance, but demands God stay out of the classroom.
A school system that has a powerful Union so engrossed in a liberal agenda that it promotes inclusion of unhealthy lifestyles into the classroom.
A school system that promotes literacy, yet finds that its textbooks are rife with factual and typographical errors, not to mention what it downright skips or alters.
A school system with employees that routinely are as debased and as unethical as any other known industry, but it happens to be dealing with the NEXT generation and should be held to a much higher standard of conduct than the iron worker or landscaper or plumber or lawyer.
A populace that is so apathetic that it is considered a massive turnout when 55% of registered voters turnout to vote.
A populace so selfish that they consider standing in line an hour to vote an inconvenience and a “hardship”.
A populace that voted for an anti-gun president and then goes out by the millions to buy guns.
A populace so ignorant of the daily news that they think comedians are a way to get real information about current events.
A populace so wrapped up in themselves that they have no idea what Freedoms they have already lost.
A populace so ignorant that they can’t answer common governmental questions.
A populace with minds so dumbed down that they think Communism might be preferable to Capitalism.
A populace so in love with fairness that it can’t see that “more fairness” would actually hurt the working poor.
A populace so ignorant that it elects politicians on looks and not ideals.
A populace who love this country so much that they are too busy rolling in the dough, hunting, taking in a movie, going to puttputt, drinking a beer or 10, smoking weed, watching NSFW vids, to take time out to educate themselves about the very country and original documents that allowed them to live in such a manner.

Yeah, we’re fragged.