Timely tie-ins to Recent Posts—-Developing Stories….

Mueller has to regroup when asked about Domestic Killing

From Fox…. In a story from Catherrine Herridge
Mueller states, ""I have to go back. Uh, I'm not certain whether that was addressed or not," Mueller said….
In another Fox story, this time from Eric Shawn, a Wva. sherriff pleads guilty to trying to sway a 2010 Democratic
Primary by falsifying 100 illegal absentee ballots.

This stuff is just the beginning of what will happen in 2012. Pay attention… be vigilent…Hold on to the power of your vote with jealous zeal.

How the Left is fighting.. not just to beat…but to Kill the Right

Simply put, the leftist media focuses on accentuating the mistakes and misdeeds of the right, while ignoring or lying about the same misdeeds of the left.
Numerous examples abound of the double standard of the left. Small snippets and eye blinks of coverage are given to the ‘bit’ of double standard that exists. When you have 80% of your reporters identifying with one side of the political spectrum, then you will get coverage slanted in that light.
Bill Maher, among others, slobber all over themselves to come up with new disgusting and viral ways to insult, denigrate, embarrass, humiliate, and destroy any and all conservative people, including blacks and women. But let Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck slip once and all hell breaks loose. It’s hard to fight against a bloc that has most of every imaginable advantage in it’s quiver. Name a special interest…its probably a Democrat interest…. Name a news outlet… democrat leaning. Name a past president that often seeks out the press… It’s a Democrat….
Can you imagine where we’d get ‘the other side’s POV’ if there was not talk radio, cable or the internet? We’d be spoon fed the leftist agenda 24/7 if FoxNews, Rush, or Breitbart hadn’t come along.

Now, due to scandal overseas where they had little to do with, the parents of FoxNews is softening their right leaning stance and going more mainstream (under orders from Rupert, no accident this was after the scandal and while there were threats from the DOJ to investigate phone tapping here), Breitbart is dead and Rush just got hammered.
This is no accident. This is a part of a widely known plan to crush the burgeoning momentum the right received from the grassroots Tea Party in 2010. Even the IRS is investigating the TP for various things hoping to quash the movement at the very time that the Liberty of our children hangs in the balance.
When you boast of infiltrating gov’t at every level, in every department (see my brief on the OWS-Anarchist video), when you control the knowledge taught to 3 generations (Public schools/universities), when you control the media where the masses get their ‘news’ (80% identify with Democrats), when you control the entertainment industry (movies, music, TV, etc), you have incredible power to affect change in a country.
The only cracks are the examples I laid out before. And THEY, those FEW examples of independent and contrarian thought, spawned the biggest mass grassroots political demonstration in the past 50 years, if not ever in American history.
Why is the left so scared of the right? Because, truth is a light. The light shined upon the weary, tax oppressed middle class of America and they answered the call to stand and be counted. The left saw that millions took the ball and ran. They organized as never before. They came out and were involved…as never before. They voted and changed the political landscape, as they never had before. They pushed back against the machine and the machine took notes.
The machine can’t let it happen again. 2012 will be a tough political year. All the tricks will come out from the left. More dead people than ever will vote more than ever.

They will employ all sorts of intimidation (remember the Black Panthers with clubs in Philly?). Expect that elsewhere. By hook, or by crook, the left will try to assure Obama’s reelection and reverse the TP momentum.
I have called this before. It’s inevitable. 2012 will be a tipping point for our future. We either rise up and go to the ballot box in droves, or allow the status quo to continue and accept the loss of this great nation to those that have been working for 100 years to finally succeed in destroying what was Man’s Greatest Experiment.

Political Notes From the Desk of Honesty

Rush—- Many years now, I’ve wished that Rush would exercise common sense in some of his blathering over-the-top comments…. I always thought it detracted from the GOOD that he could do. There have been many moments that he gets so good at articulating the conservative cause, that it brings me to the verge of tears. But then there are the moments where he slips into the ‘entertainer’ mode and strikes some low cord with some offcolor comment. Most times it works. But this time, the left was ready for the offspeed pitch and knocked him out.
It’s no surprise that while Maher could get away with “slut” comment, Rush could not…. Did he not learn anything from ESPN? And how’s that McNabb QB working out anyways? Like most things, Rush was right on both counts… but the left smells blood and Rush gave them an easy target.

Anthony Breitbart— This guy will be missed. I came across him in ’07 when he was a part of the ‘fringe’ reactionary strata. I dismissed him and his blog as being something of the ‘new tabloid’ media, and I’ll always regret that. What he did, what he uncovered along the way…what he exposed, is a credit to him, his will and his fearlessness. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was offed somehow. He had had some sort of spirited political confab just minutes before he died??? Probably not, but nothing would surprise me considering this man built 3 of the biggest conservative online properties ever. He was a major target, undoubtedly. Nevertheless, I am just sorry I did not recognize his genius and his love for liberty sooner.

Romney— Well, he won 6 of 10 states last night, Santorum got 3 and Gingrich got Georgia. Nary a mention of Paul or how he fared. Most media plastered the 2 leaders pictures on their covers, relegating Newt and Paul to mere afterthoughts. Romney is securing more endorsements as his train gathers more steam. Expect a Romney-Santorum ticket. Gingrich as Sec of State and Paul as Treasury Sec?? I can see Paul being shut out completely unless he can garner some more high finishes somewhere.

JC WATTS— I was surprised to hear JC Watts and Herman Cain going all out for Newt. I had known Cain was a big supporter, but Watts, I thought, would have rallied to one of the favorites sides. I always thought JC was a superstar just waiting for the right moment. Why he slipped into relative obscurity has puzzled me, although I know his bunch (Class of ’96) of Republican Congressmen, actually were committed to their pledges of Term Limits. Imagine…. Real live conviction…. I would like to see Watts re-surface as a force within the Republican party. He, Cain, and Allen West seem to me to epitomize what someone can dream to be no matter their color… or maybe despite the pigeon-holing of their color.